Kola Bay Bridge

 ¿Qué ver en Kola bay bridge, Múrmansk?

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The Kola Bay Bridge in Murmansk, Russia is a popular attraction for tourists and locals alike. The bridge spans across Kola Bay and offers stunning views of the surrounding area. Unfortunately, there is no official website available for the bridge, but it is open to the public and there is no entrance fee.

As for nearby attractions, visitors can head to the nearby Lenin Icebreaker Museum, which is open daily from 10am to 5pm and offers tours of the historic icebreaker ship. Another popular attraction is the Alyosha Monument, a statue of a Soviet soldier located on a hill overlooking the city. The monument is accessible by foot or by car, and offers panoramic views of Murmansk.

Overall, the Kola Bay Bridge and its surrounding attractions offer a unique glimpse into the history and culture of Murmansk, and are well worth a visit for anyone exploring the area.

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